About Us

The Spirit of America Family of Funds was created exclusively for clients of David Lerner Associates.
The Funds do not seek to follow the herd. There is nothing trendy about our strategy and we are not interested in the latest “in” sector of the market. Our family of funds is neither hedged nor leveraged. We don’t utilize complicated algorithms to choose our holdings. We rely on diligent research and our many years of experience when handpicking each and every holding in our funds. We follow the "Sensible Middle Ground of Investing" philosophy that David Lerner Associates has become known for.
Each product is strategically designed to capitalize on our experience in investment management. Our portfolio managers possess a deep understanding of their respective fields and of the markets as a whole with over 90 years of combined experience.
The Spirit of America Investment Funds offer both value and opportunity to our clients. Call David Lerner Associates today at 1-800-367-3000 to find out how these funds can compliment your portfolio.